红叶书斋 > 网游小说 > 国服第一男装大佬 > 正文 第785章 跟默言结仇了

    听着,罗夏挑着眉,趁着点回血的功夫,伸手拍了下旁边温寻的大腿,“chating up?”



    随即,默言还在继续肆无忌惮地说:“when i played that day, i thought he was very good. now, it's really wrong!”


    夏千寒一听默言和罗夏这两边的架势,心里也算八九不离十了,他咳了几声,安抚道:“i saw him tweet that day to clarify.”


    “is that a clarification?”殊不知,把默言惹得更毛了。


    “is it clear that he doesn't have a girlfriend? isn't it easier to talk to deruleen?”


    “it's so annoying. i went to uncle weir's for dinner that day, and deruleen watched wen xun's game in front of me!”


    谩骂了好半晌,默言皱着眉大声喊了句:“take deruleen from me. i got into a feud with him!”



    而后罗夏笑了下,对着对面的默言道:“moy,i'm the captain of the chinese team,i'll tell you a secret.”



    随即,罗夏又对着默言说道:“wen xun doesn't have a girlfriend, but he has a wife, who is pregnant.”



    默言听到这话自然是不信的,不过语气缓和了不少:“how could it be?you don't have to lie to me like that.”









